
During the quiet of the social-distanced time this summer and autumn, I learned how to make basketry using papers. The future goal is to harvest vines this winter to make more baskets this spring/summer! Until recently I never had an appreciation of basketry, but NOW, if I ever get stuck in the wilderness, I can make a fishing weir! And in our Cambridge garden I now have wattle fence!

Clothes pins were so helpful (thank you Bella for giving me some a few  years ago)), especially when working with old wallpaper samples.
If you try this at home, don’t use Elmers glue – choose a stronger glue because of the weight of the paper.

paper basketpaper basket

And then on to old calendars, magazines, etc.

paper basketmaking a basketpaper baskets final

And then on to reed – this is the start of a double walled basket. 

More to come after I get photos. 

final paper basket